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Honda CRX EE8 B16 with turbo conversion


This has been my longest on-going project that has gone through many different iterations. When I bought the car it had an ECU error code that related to the cam sensor built into the distributor. A new one was sourced and fitted and the engine checked that it ran before being stripped down and turned into a  high compression NA engine. Unfortunately due to miss information on the engine build it didn't last too long before chewing a couple of valves and spitting them out. After that a standard engine was sourced and refitted and work started to convert the old engine to being turbo charged. More and more parts have been acquired and it's now just awaiting time to be able to put it all together and start the engine tuning process. A target of 500hp at the wheels has been set which should be more than enough for this little pocket rocket.

More to come.......

Flaming Imps Racing, 3 Bowden Court Riverside, Market Harborough,
Leicestershire, LE16 7PY
Tel; 01858 414940   email;

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